Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at Redland Middle School! I am the proud principal at this historic school as we celebrate our 98 year. We are blessed that you have selected us as the institution that will inspire, motivate, and educate your child this year. Our teachers, staff, students, and community showed up and showed out, making history!
During the 2023-2024 school year, Redland Middle School was named a Magnet Schools of America School of Distinction, by the prestigious Magnet Schools of America organization. Furthermore, our magnet programs were named one of the top magnet programs in the United States of America. Our Royals were featured in several news outlets to include the South Dade News Leader and Estrella TV. To top it off, our staff helped our students make what seemed impossible, inevitable- moving the school to a grade of “B” according to the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE). Our students outperformed their prior performance, making history as we obtained the second “B” grade in 18 years, only the second time in the 25-year history of school accountability and grading.
It is our desire to offer a challenging curriculum that provides opportunities for all students to succeed. Our school is a place where we value intellectual curiosity, encourage critical thinking, and require students to strive for excellence in everything they do.
During this unprecedented time in our nation, the safety and social-emotional well-being of our staff and students remains our primary concern. While the last few years have brought about many challenges and changes to the way we educate our students, know that the upcoming school year will bring about several changes as well. There will be changes in state standards in English Language Arts and Mathematics as well as a new way of measuring student progress through ongoing progress monitoring. With so many changes on the way, may you as parents and community stakeholders recommit to supporting your student and our school to be able to reach our maximum potential.
Our theme for the 2024-2025 school year is in line with the changes in educational practices being proposed by the FLDOE. “Soaring to New Heights!” It is the expectation that each child experiences academic, social, and emotional growth this school year, recognizing that their time here is essential in developing a solid foundation for happiness, fulfillment, and success in life.
As Royals, we expect our children to govern themselves as royalty, being fierce in their intellectual pursuits, striving for excellence like the mighty lions we know that they can become, yet with gentleness, poise, and grace. Attendance is critical and required if excellence is to be obtained.
Our Redland Royal staff provides our students with a rich, safe, and stimulating learning environment as we embark on the journey towards, “Intentional Growth!” Help us plant seeds of positive change that will flourish into mature trees whose roots extend far into the earth, soaking up nutrients and water that will help them grow today, for the future. We invite parents and community stakeholders to be an integral part of our student’s education. Parents can do so by accessing the parent portal regularly to stay current with the students’ grades and attendance. The portal’s website is http://www.dadeschools.net/. If you need assistance or support, please stop by our Parent Resource Center and/or see one of the counselors. Community members are encouraged to reach out to the administrative team to learn how best you can serve the needs of our Redland Royal Family.
Additionally, please visit our website https://redlandmiddleschool.org for more information pertaining to our school. Should you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us. I look forward to collaborating with you to ensure a positive and productive school year for all. “Be Royal because Royalty Begins in the Redlands!”
Peter B. Gutierrez